Uhm... seems that I haven't been blogging for a pretty long time. Days flip by not very smoothly these days but overcoming clouds is part of the way to heaven, right? Anyway, this time I'm not gonna be here for daily nonsense, but ... (monthly nonsense, huh? ^^). There's sth that's really stirring about the wellknown Heart-Mind fighting people encounter all the time.
I just figured out (or I think I did) an interesting fact about the... um... maybe I should call it "the war" for myself. Quite often, a person is called "rational" when he lets his mind decide most of the time, and in contrast, someone whose heart rules their mind would be recognized as... "sentimental". And many people today still accept it as a certain, an undeniable truth.
Here's the truth: The more intense the fighting between Heart and Mind is, the more likely the Heart will win. That's it.
Observe your mind, observe how the fight goes on and you'll know. Usually it's sth like... maybe from a small but powerful disagreement and that the Mind would constrain the Heart just as many times as it has done. But the opposition grows bigger and bigger, until it's so obvious a battle that the "intra-fighter" now can recognize it . Then comes the official "debate" (the quarrel, to tell the truth :P) of the two. Heart speaks, then does Mind, one by one, slowly and politely maybe. But not for long... they shout together! <-- The fight starts.
That process may vary to a great deal, depending on the person, but, believe me, the end's the same. I mean, the fight's inevitable, and they'll know it. And the end of the fight is even more... tragic (!) since, let me state it again, the bigger the fight is, the more likely that the heart will win. Why? Because it's the ruler, or to say, in a certain viewpoint, we're "sentimental" creatures whose Hearts are always involved. There's virtuely nothing we think, or do, or decide, or believe, or even rationalize... without the Heart participating - ruling, to be exact.
You may strongly disagree and give a sharp retort: "You can't deny that there're people whose Mind is rational enough to subjugate their Heart so that it completely obeys the Mind, can you?" No, I can't of course. I can't renounce the truth THAT in these "rational" people, the Mind does decide, but what I can affirm is that it doesn't really subjugate the Heart! It can't anyway. When you're successfully done with sth your Mind's decided, you think your Mind really has won your Heart, but it doesn't. What it's succeeded in doing is to persuade the Heart - the boss - to allow it to execute the action mentioned above, sth supposed to be "rational", and without the Heart's allowance, it wouldn't have done the job. Whenever you decide sth, there's always the agreement of the two, otherwise, there's (1) no decision, (2) the Heart will win.
That's why once the Heart's resoluted with its way, hardly can the Mind's words affect the destined decision, no matter how hard it tries. The thing is, people often mistake the two! Yeah, strange enough huh? When a person stands up and says that he's determined to do sth, and that nothing can get on his way (that's the way he's supposed to be "rational", and get his Heart subjugated by the Mind, so to speak), they say that he's using his Mind, that the Mind wins, that it's the reason, and so on. Don't they realize that when something is determined, it's the Heart that commits the person to his determination? The Heart. How can you have such a strong will, a devoted attitude, without your heart and soul putting in it?
"So, suppose the Heart is the ruler, are you suggesting that the Mind should give in and we just live the way our Heart wants, no care for anything outside the Heart's wishes whatsoever?" Is that your question? Now's mine: Are you trying to argue for the Mind? Or to say, is your Heart doing its job with emotional reaction to my suggesting, which is challenging its belief?
The Heart, coming to its full potential, is uncompromising. Yet it is very fair, generous, and thorough. It's not an arbitrary ruler at all. It still cares for the Mind, like a kind boss who would delegate his huge job to the manager Mind but, in the place of a director, his decision is the finale - nothing ever goes beyond the Heart once he has finished his drama. Most of what we do, we do with our Heart. What we think is Mind, or rationality, or reason - whatever - is actually a kind of 'trained' Heart. That is, the Heart has gone through the process of shaping itself into a more persistant, more structured, and firmer form, so that it can now act for sth immediately without analyzing the thing, and for that reason it is called "blind", "impetuous", or sth like that.
So back to our question,
should we put our life in the Heart's hand? Well, here's the key:
make them ONE. In fact they are one. As we're up to now talking, you've probably realized that they're indeed one, just different on the 'encoded' level. What matters is how you bring them together. I mean, if you have to face another disagreement between the two, see how strong the Heart opposes the Mind. If you really can't make the Heart agree with the Mind, if nothing in the common to the deepest sense of the Heart can support the Mind, then let it go with its reason, 'cuz you know, "the heart has reason that the reason doesn't know."

weeker mind - heart; stronger mind - mind